Over the last two decades UK fire legislation has undergone huge changes, resulting in a greater demand for fire rated products to be supplied as a fully compliant assembly.
The increasing complexity of fire rated products such as doors, locks and intumescent means most contractors do not have the expertise to successfully integrate these products into a compliant assembly. Failing to bring fire rated products together into a compliant assembly can, at the very least, put you at risk of late handover and increased costs.
With the above in mind, how do contractors and building owners ensure product compliance is maintained, whilst protecting vital onsite resources, and achieving tight completion deadlines?
From the point of order, a Doorpac Contract Manager will work with you to resolve any outstanding design information, work with the site team to take into account real-life construction changes and produce detailed manufacturing schedules for final approval prior to manufacture.
As well as the products we manufacture, we also believe our contract management service is one of the main reasons our customers keep coming back! Let our Contract Management team help you save time and money with your project, contact our office on 0114 256 1615 for more information.